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The Bondix SANE client is the software that you install on your router, which establishes a connection to the server using multiple WAN links. The software itself is a linux userspace program, but installation packages for different routers are available, that take care of most of the configuration.

This page covers the barebone linux application. Please check out the Teltonika page for installation & usage on these routers.


Configuration is done using JSON commands. These can either be sent via a raw TCP socket (localhost:5113), or written to a configuration file (in a json-array) that is parsed on start-up.

By default, SANE checks for the existence of a configuration file in its installation directory (e.g. /opt/bondix/client/saneclient.json) and at /etc/saneclient.json. If you want SANE to load a configuration from a different location, you can specify it using a command line parameter.

Quick Start

This example provides the minimal necessities to get a tunnel up and running:

    {"action": "create", "target": "tunnel", "name": "TUNNELNAME", "password": "TUNNELPASSWORD"},
    {"action": "add-server", "target": "tunnel", "host": "ENDPOINTSERVER", "port": "443"},
    {"action": "create-interfaces", "target": "tunnel", "interfaces": {
      "eth1": "mobileAggressive",
      "wwan0": "mobileAggressive",
      "wwan1": "mobileAggressive"
    {"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-preset", "preset": "bonding"}

Configuration Commands

For a complete reference list of available commands, see Client Configuration.

Tunnel Configuration

Tunnels and channels have many configurable values, that are managed using Presets.


The software can be run in the shell using /opt/bondix/client/saneclient, where it will run in the foreground. However, it is recommended to start the service automatically on startup, which can be different depending on the platform.


--daemon Runs the software as a daemon.
--nopid Does not attempt to create a pid-file at /var/run/
--listflags Lists available feature flags
--flags <FLAG1> <FLAG2>... Enables the specified flag(s). Multiple flags are separated using space.
</path/to/filename.json> JSON configuration file that should be used

Feature Flags

Feature flags are switches that enable certain features that are otherwise unavailable. These features are usually experimental and should be used with caution.

useBlake Switches from SHA256 to the "blake" hashing algorithm.
useBlake3 Switches to the "blake3" hashing algorithm.
disableHash Disables hashing completely
useMMSG uses useMMSG linux socket API to send & receive multiple UDP packets at once.
channelRoutes Makes the client create specific routes for each channel. Experimental, do not use.
bondingProxy Enables the TCP Bonding Proxy. Now always enabled


bndutil is a command line utility that allows to query and modify SANE during runtime. It uses the configuration TCP socket

root@Teltonika-RUTX12:/opt/bondix/client# ./bndutil
     bndutil [--json] <command>
              --json  switch to JSON output
  Available commands:
    * bndutil status
    * bndutil get
    * bndutil set <propertyName1> <propertyValue1> [propertyName2] [propertyValue2] ...
    * bndutil get-interface <index>
    * bndutil set-interface <index> <propertyName1> <propertyValue1> [propertyName2] [propertyValue2] ...
    * bndutil shutdown
    * bndutil restart 
      (tunnel reset & reconnect)


Speedtest is a small utility that downloads (and discards) data via HTTP(s) using one or more WAN interfaces. It is useful to compare performance of each individual interface and the combined bandwidth over SANE's virtual tunnel interface.

root@Teltonika-RUTX12:/opt/bondix/client# ./speedtest
  Usage: speedtest [--json] <download-url> <intf1> [intf2] ...

E.g., to test performance of each WAN interface directly:

./speedtest wwan0 wwan1 wwan2

Testing performance of the tunnel:

./speedtest tun0