Client Configuration
A JSON command has the following structure:
{"target": "<module>", "action": "<command>", [...additional values...]}
, where <module> specifies the configuration submodule and <command> specifies what should be done.
Tunnel Commands
createSets up basic tunnel configuration.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "create", "name": "MyTunnel", "password: "1234", "server": "", "interfaceName": "bndx0", "values": {...} } | ||||||||||||||||
add-serverAdds a endpoint server. If multiple servers are added, the client will cycle through them until a connection has been established successfully.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "add-server", "host": "", "port": "443" } | ||||||||||||||||
add-interfaceAdds a single interface to the tunnel.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "add-interface", "interface": "wlan0", "name": "WiFi", "preset": "mobile", "values": {"enabled": false} } | ||||||||||||||||
create-interfacesCreates channels for the specified interfaces using presets.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "create-interfaces", "interfaces": { "wwan0": "mobile", "eth1": "ethernet" } } | ||||||||||||||||
deleteResets the complete tunnel configuration, including interfaces. |
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "delete" } | ||||||||||||||||
enable-layer2Instructs the client to establish a layer 2 tunnel. Layer 2 must also be enabled on the server, otherwise the tunnel will fall back to layer3. Combining layer2 with BondingProxy is currently not supported. When enabled, the client will create a tap interface and call bridgeutils (brctl) to automatically add this interface to the specified bridge.
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "enable-layer2", "bridge": "br-lan", "tapname": "bondixTap0" } | ||||||||||||||||
enable-proxyEnables Bonding Proxy.
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "enable-proxy", "host": "", "port": "18080" } | ||||||||||||||||
disallow-swapExplicitly tells the linux kernel to prevent memory swapping (mlockall). |
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "disallow-swap" } | ||||||||||||||||
quicksetupSets up client using a base64 encoded JSON string containing connection info.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "quicksetup", "data": "..." } } | ||||||||||||||||
setSets tunnel properties. See Tunnel Settings.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set", "values": {"maxConcurrentChannel": 2} } | ||||||||||||||||
set-metaAllows to add custom information that is shown on the server's tunnel status page. It has no further effect.
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "set-meta", "data": {"location": "Test Lab", "customer": "Evil Corp"} } | ||||||||||||||||
set-remoteSets tunnel properties on the remote end. See Tunnel Settings.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-remote", "values": {"maxConcurrentChannel": 2} } | ||||||||||||||||
set-interfaceSets tunnel interface properties. See Tunnel Settings.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-interface", "index": 0, "values": {"enabled": false} } | ||||||||||||||||
set-remote-interfaceSets interface properties on the remote end. See Tunnel Settings.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-remote-interface", "index": 0, "values": {"enabled": false} } | ||||||||||||||||
set-presetApplies a tunnel preset. See Presets for more info.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-preset", "preset": "Bonding" } | ||||||||||||||||
set-ifnameRenames the virtual network tunnel interface.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-ifname", "name": "bondix0" } } | ||||||||||||||||
set-cert-checkEnables or disables verification of the server's SSL certificate. TODO: Which root cert dir is used when no custom root certificate is provided?
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-cert-check", "enabled": true } } | ||||||||||||||||
set-root-caSpecifies a root certificate that can be used to verify the authenticity of the remote server. When used, SSL server verification will be automatically enabled.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-root-ca", "file": "/etc/ssl/" } } | ||||||||||||||||
set-certificateLoads a tunnel client certificate. See Certificates for further information.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-certificate", "cert": "/etc/ssl/foobar.pem" "key": "/etc/ssl/foobar.key" } | ||||||||||||||||
embed-certsA helper functions to embed tunnel & root certificate inside the configuration instead of an external file. Performs the same actions as set-certificate and set-root-ca combined.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "embed-certs", "cert": "...", "key": "...", "root": "..." } | ||||||||||||||||
set-root-caSpecifies a root certificate that can be used to verify the authenticity of the remote server. When used, SSL server verification will be automatically enabled.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "set-root-ca", "file": "/etc/ssl/" } } | ||||||||||||||||
update-interfacesUpdates interface information. If a provided interface already exists, it will be updated accordingly. If a provided interface is new, it will be created. Interfaces that have been previously defined but are not provided here will be removed.
Note: Updating the preset will override upstream, downstream, maxLatency & standby settings to default values. |
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "update-interfaces", "interfaces": { "eth1": { "name":"WAN1", "preset": "mobileAggressive", "upstream": {"min": 0, "max": 50}, "downstream": {"min": 0, "max": 100}, "standby": false, "maxLatency": 1000, "enabled": true }, "eth2": { "name":"WAN2", "preset": "mobileAggressive", "upstream": {"min": 0, "max": 50}, "downstream": {"min": 50, "max": 100} } } | ||||||||||||||||
update-packetSizeUpdates the maximum size that UDP packets may carry. Changing this value will cause a tunnel restart.
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "update-packetSize", "value": 1400 } | ||||||||||||||||
cloudlinkInstructs the client to use Unwired® Cloudlink to retrieve its tunnel configuration. The client will use the provided API key and the mac address of the specified interface to authenticate itself. A CA file must be provided in order to properly validate the SSL certificate of the CloudLink API endpoint. This command should not be used in combination with "create" to configure tunnel credentials or "add-server" to configure a target server.
{ "target": "tunnel", "action": "cloudlink", "apiKey": "CLOUDLINK-API-KEY", "interface": "eth0", "caFile": "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" } |
Interactive Commands
Interactive commands can be used to interact with the tunnel and retrieve various information via the CLI socket. TODO: Add JSON responses
getReturns all tunnel settings. |
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "get" } | ||
get-interfaceReturns settings for a specific interface.
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "get-interface", "index": 0 } | ||
statusReturns current tunnel information. |
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "status" } | ||
resetPerforms a disconnect & reconnect. |
{"target": "tunnel", "action": "reset" } |
System Commands
shutdownShuts down the client and terminates. |
{ "target": "system", "action": "shutdown" } | ||||||||||||
set-logEnables logging to file or changes output file.
{ "target": "system", "action": "set-log", "file": "/var/log/saneclient.log", "fileMode": "append" } | ||||||||||||
set-script-pathChanges the directory that points towards the client scripts. (/opt/bondix/client/scripts by default)
{ "target": "system", "action": "set-script-path", "path": "/etc/bondix/scripts" } | ||||||||||||
set-webinterfaceEnables the integrated webserver & debug webinterface.
{ "target": "system", "action": "set-webinterface", "host": "", "port": "80", "allowConfig": false, "allowMonitor": true, "configApiKey": "123456", "webroot": "/tmp/" } |