Server Configuration

From Bondix Wiki

Server Commands


Adds an authentication key to use with the HTTP API.

key A secret string used to authenticate an API request.
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "add-apikey",
   "key": "a-secret-key"


Adds an environment. Deprecated, you can directly create environments in the web interface instead.

settings Object with JSON settings for this environment
name Name used for the environment
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "add-environment",
   "name": "env123",
   "settings": {
     "tunnelNetwork": "",
     "udpListenerHost": "",
     "udpListenerPort": "44343",
      "disableTunnelToTunnelTraffic": true


Adds an unencrypted http listener for web interface access.

host Host/IP to be used to for the listener. Use to bind on all interfaces.
port Port used for the listener. Defaults to 80
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "add-http",
   "host": "",
   "port": "80"


Adds an encrypted https listener for incoming tunnel connections and web interface access.

host Host/IP to be used to for the listener. Use to bind on all interfaces.
port Port used for the listener. Defaults to 443
cert Certificate file to use in PEM format. If none is supplied, a self signed certificate will be used instead.
key Certifikate key to use in PEM format. If none is supplied, a self signed certificate key will be used instead.
rootCA Specifies a root CA file that should be used in order to authenticate client tunnels using certificates.
allowTunnel Specifies whether to accept incoming tunnel connections.
allowMonitor Specifies whether to enable the web interface on this port.
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "add-https",
   "host": "",
   "port": "443",
   "allowMonitor": true


Adds an user/password pair that can be used to log into the server's web interface.

user The username
password The password
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "add-user",
   "user": "admin",
   "password": "bad password"


Using this command, the server acts as a backup instance. When tunnels are connected, it will probe the specified url in regular intervals. If the probe succeeds, connected tunnels are instructed to connect to the primary server.

url The url used for probing the primary server.
interval The interval in seconds that should be probed
maxTunnel Amount of tunnels that should be disconnected in one go. This is useful to prevent many tunnels reconnecting at the same time to the primary server, causing unintended load spikes.
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "set-fallback-watchdog",
   "url": "",
   "interval": 3000,
   "maxTunnel": 10


Starts slow shutdown. This will disconnect all tunnels individually and tell them to connect to a different (backup) server.

   "target": "server", 
   "action": "slow-shutdown"


Sets a global flag enabling or disabling password based authentication. When disabled, only certificate authentication is possible.

enabled true or false
   "target": "server", 
   "action": "set-password-authentication",
   "enabled": true

System Commands


Shuts down the client and terminates.

   "target": "system", 
   "action": "shutdown"


Enables logging to file or changes output file.

file The filename that the log should be written to. Required.
fileMode can be append or overwrite. Required.
   "target": "system", 
   "action": "set-log", 
   "file": "/var/log/saneclient.log", 
   "fileMode": "append"


Changes the directory that points towards the client scripts. (/opt/bondix/client/scripts by default)

path Path to the new bondix script directory.
   "target": "system", 
   "action": "set-script-path", 
   "path": "/etc/bondix/scripts"


Enables the integrated webserver & debug webinterface.

host IP that the service should listen on. Required.
port TCP Port that the service should listen on. Required.
allowConfig En- or disables web configuration. Not required, enabled by default.
allowMonitor En- or disables web monitor. Not required, enabled by default.
configApiKey The password required to access configuration & monitor. Not required, "123456" by default.
webroot Web root directory. Points to the "www" subdirectory in installation directory. Not required, changing not advised.
   "target": "system", 
   "action": "set-webinterface", 
   "host": "", 
   "port": "80",
   "allowConfig": false, 
   "allowMonitor": true, 
   "configApiKey": "123456", 
   "webroot": "/tmp/"